NRTOFHJRTEHKDFJFGJTRIUEIOreyeturfgggwdshbdgfhsVi du the u trongHTML.jagđágdjVi du the itrongHTML.sadgcfbcgưebgjhxdhbdhjhdvhdvhdxdxrvtrtuirhgrguionodgcrgrdgrdgnguvgusgurhugrhuigheruighvuierhvgeruohviougerhngosrheoigherogyoe5yt4yn5tuhne48tyn498tgw8eo4nt9wtnuwrenhc9renhgurehngohsrioungeeinwhrecojkgvdkruieokdfg,mfjkiotr WIOUTE
function testFunction( strText){ alert (strText) }
Doan van nay duoccan chinhtrai
Doan van nay duoccan chinhgiua
Doan van nay duoccan chinhphai
Vi du the itrongHTML.Vi du the strike trongHTML.
Vi du the sup trongHTML.
Vi du the sub trongHTML.
Toithichhoc HTML CSS
Tusauday sudung the small trongHTML.
Tusauday sudung the big trongHTML.